Healthy, warming lunch.

Its easy to cook from fresh and it doesn’t have to cost much.  Use your local markets, go near closing up time and buy in bulk. I buy a tray of tomatoes, some are a bit squishy but it doesn’t matter if you are cooking them straight away, and  a tray of peppers.


I got them for £1 a tray and I made 5 days lunches. Lidl and Aldi are great value for fruit and veg too. I slow roasted on a low heat for an hour, with some red onion, garlic and thyme and olive oil then I blitzed it together with water, season to taste.


Freeze in bags and you are sorted for the week ahead. I serve mine with a couple of chicken thighs as I like to include protein with every meal.



  1. Annie Weston on May 24, 2017 at 11:46 am

    the one thing I love the most is soup!!! Julies soup ideas are brilliant! I do them all the time now. I freeze them too!
    just lovely, easy on the bread and butter tho. Makes you feel all warm and nourished
